Benk: “Learning in a Click

Offer your children an enriching educational experience from grades 1 to 11 with Benk.

  • Unlimited access to the PER program for only 99.00 – per year.
  • Independence for autonomous learning.
  • Structured revision and motivating exercises.
  • Pace and validation of your skills step by step.
  • Targeted RCT preparation for 6P, 8P and 10S pupils.
  • Progressive learning, focused on the essentials.
  • Accessible to atypical learner profiles.
See all our courses
formation enfants autonomes
Children and teenagers courses

The Benk method for guaranteed academic success in the Swiss school system, from the HarmoS years to the cantonal reference tests.

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Personalized adult courses

Modern and efficient,’s online trainings are coupled with coaching adapted to your schedule and your needs.

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Our training approach

Benk’s team of coaches and trainers practice firm, caring coaching to succeed and develop your potential.

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Coaching adapted to your child’s needs

A tailor-made pedagogical follow-up 

  • A complete assessment to define your learning profile
  • Specific and personalized objectives for each person
  • Real-time monitoring of work by qualified trainers
  • Constant progress and concrete results
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • A success-oriented attitude
Discover our courses
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Private lessons for adults

Choose our private courses designed specifically for adults, offering tailor-made learning and an enriching educational experience.

Enjoy total flexibility with our online sessions, tailored to support your professional and personal development anywhere in French-speaking Switzerland.

Discover our courses